strlen, strlen_l, wcslen, wcslen_l, _mbslen, _mbslen_l, _mbstrlen, _mbstrlen_l
size_t strlen( const char *str );
size_t strlen_l( const char *str, _locale_t locale );
size_t wcslen( const wchar_t *str );
size_t wcslen_l( const wchar_t *str, _locale_t locale );
size_t _mbslen( const unsigned char *str );
size_t _mbslen_l( const unsigned char *str, _locale_t locale );
size_t _mbstrlen( const char *str );
size_t _mbstrlen_l( const char *str, _locale_t locale );
str : Null-terminated string.
locale : Locale to use.
Return Value
Example from MSDN
// crt_strlen.c
// Determine the length of a string. For the multi-byte character
// example to work correctly, the Japanese language support for
// non-Unicode programs must be enabled by the operating system.
#include <string.h>
#include <locale.h>
int main()
char* str1 = "Count.";
wchar_t* wstr1 = L"Count.";
char * mbstr1;
char * locale_string;
// strlen gives the length of single-byte character string
printf("Length of '%s' : %d\n", str1, strlen(str1) );
// wstrlen gives the length of a wide character string
wprintf(L"Length of '%s' : %d\n", wstr1, wcslen(wstr1) );
// A multibyte string: [A] [B] [C] [katakana A] [D] [\0]
// in Code Page 932. For this example to work correctly,
// the Japanese language support must be enabled by the
// operating system.
mbstr1 = "ABC" "\x83\x40" "D";
locale_string = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "Japanese_Japan");
if (locale_string == NULL)
printf("Japanese locale not enabled. Exiting.\n");
printf("Locale set to %s\n", locale_string);
// _mbslen will recognize the Japanese multibyte character if the
// current locale used by the operating system is Japanese
printf("Length of '%s' : %d\n", mbstr1, _mbslen(mbstr1) );
// _mbstrlen will recognize the Japanese multibyte character
// since the CRT locale is set to Japanese even if the OS locale
// isnot.
printf("Length of '%s' : %d\n", mbstr1, _mbstrlen(mbstr1) );
printf("Bytes in '%s' : %d\n", mbstr1, strlen(mbstr1) );
Its result
Length of 'Count.' : 6
Length of 'Count.' : 6
Length of 'ABCァD' : 5
Length of 'ABCァD' : 5
Bytes in 'ABCァD' : 6
You can see the same thing at this page:
from MSDN
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